Age Restrictions

Why can’t I access the rest of the website?

Under British Columbia’s Cannabis Control and Licensing Act (CCLA), only adults 19 years of age or older may purchase, possess, and consume non-medical cannabis. This is the same minimum age for liquor in British Columbia.

Information pertaining to the purchase, possession, and consumption of non-medical cannabis may only be accessed by people aged 19 years or older. If you are under the age of 19 you are welcome to visit our Responsibility blog to read educational and related content.

Why do I have to be 19 years or older to buy non-medical cannabis?

Under British Columbia’s Cannabis Control and Licensing Act (CCLA), only adults 19 years of age or older may purchase, possess, and consume non-medical cannabis. This is the same minimum age for liquor in British Columbia.

According to Health Canada, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in cannabis affects the same biological system in the brain that directs brain development. Research shows the brain is not fully developed until around age 25, so younger people under the age of 25 may be especially vulnerable to the effects of cannabis on brain development and function.

Other research suggests that cannabis consumption has been associated with an increased potential for harm when it begins early in adolescence, including the potential for the early onset of dependency, cannabis-use disorder or other social issues.

I’m nearly 19. Can my 19-year-old friend buy me cannabis?

No. It is an offence to supply non-medical cannabis to anyone under the age of 19. This includes anyone buying it on your behalf or sharing it with you at home or in a private residence. An individual who supplies non-medical cannabis to a minor may also face criminal charges under the federal Cannabis Act.

Can I go into BC Cannabis Stores just to browse if I am under the age of 19?

Only adults aged 19 years or older are permitted to enter cannabis retail stores in British Columbia. A welcome team will be near the entrance of each store to check the government-issued ID of anyone who wishes to enter any BC Cannabis Store. It is an offence to use false identification to attempt to purchase cannabis.

Where can I learn more about cannabis?

Visit our Responsibility blog to learn more, explore the Government of Canada’s website for information about the effects of cannabis, or visit the federal government’s Pursue Your Passion roadshow as it travels around the country.